There's nothing better than a good gossip.

Reframing the narrative

“Aren’t you scared that AI is going to take your job?” I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been asked that question. And honestly? No. Not really.

This might come back to haunt me. After all, a cursory glance at the dystopian canon reveals a smorgasbord of anti-AI propaganda. From the malevolent machines of Matrix notoriety to the nuclear Armageddon meted out by Skynet, where AI is concerned, Western culture has its colours nailed firmly to the mast—a resounding no, thank you.

Clearly, no one has told creatives. With a whopping 83% (and counting) already leveraging this technology, are we sleepwalking headfirst into disaster?1 Maybe. Or, maybe, it’s time to change that narrative. Rather than viewing humans and machines as fundamentally in competition, perhaps we should see this convergence for what it is—a spellbinding opportunity to combine the best bits of man and metal to redefine the possibilities of marketing.

Like the T-1000 in Terminator 2. But without the whole “wiping out John Connor” thing.

The generative AI boom


of creatives are already


images birthed by AI


...equates to one-third of all the images ever posted on Instagram

A new creative frontier

The generative AI boom heralded by the launch of ChatGPT has already changed the game. Between 2022 and 2023, for instance, programmes like DALL-E birthed more than 15 billion images—which equates to one-third of all the images ever posted on Instagram.2

By breaking down skill and resource barriers, AI democratises the creative process and shifts emphasis away from technical skill and towards “high level…thinking and decision making.”3 This lower entry point means more perspectives, lived experiences, and backgrounds—and a less homogenised whole. Fundamentally, the creative act is repositioned as something participatory and inclusive, rather than the sole preserve of the artist.

Modern technology is also breathing new life into forgotten or neglected art. In November 2023, for example, Beatles fans the world over rejoiced as Now and Then—the majestic coda to an extraordinary career—debuted over the airwaves. A haunting Lennon-penned ballad, the single’s very existence showcases the capabilities of AI in spectacular style—while pointing to a future where no masterpiece goes unheard.

Bringing this potential to bear

Great—but how does this translate to the realm of brand and marketing? Well, creators are already using AI to “turn a spark into a wildfire of engaging blog posts, video content, and social media posts.”4

By scraping existing content from the internet, generative AI models are reared on huge datasets—meaning users can circumvent the lengthy research process and get inspiration quicker.

With AI and predictive analytics, marketers can use “smart segmentation” to identify their perfect target groups—leading to more personalised content, higher revenue, and fewer wasted messages.5
This also frees up time and resources to pour into your creative endeavours, which, in turn, leads to better output. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all.

As any writer worth their salt will know, SEO is a key cornerstone of a modern content strategy. As they will also know, keyword research can be—how do I put this?—dull. AI to the rescue. According to Zapier: “Tools like ChatGPT can expedite the process by generating a large list of relevant keywords and their variations in seconds.”6

Design darling Adobe is a great example of a brand—revered by creatives both in-house and agency-side—that has bolstered its everyday functionality with the implementation of AI. In 2023, the company unveiled its Firefly feature, enabling users to “instantly add or remove elements from your images with just a few words.”7

Rather than reinventing the wheel, Firefly puts an awesome new weapon in the designer’s arsenal.

I think I’ve seen this film before (and I didn’t like the ending).

Taylor Swift reference, yes, but serious point also—will generative AI render the creative obsolete? In short—no.

AI is many things. It’s a convenient automation solution for time-poor people. It’s a sounding board to bounce ideas off. It’s a handy tool for optimising your marketing outreach. It’s undeniably impressive and it’s an invaluable instrument for writers and designers alike.

But can it imagine? Replicate emotion? Does it have that certain je ne sais quoi? Negative.

When it comes to making stuff that looks good and drives results, there’s no substitute for the real thing. Here at The Fold, we draw on decades of collective experience to create beautiful work that delivers. Get in touch to find out what we can do for your business.


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